Friday, July 11, 2008

Prissy is MY baby girl.

When you look at these images, you may think you are looking at a D-O-G. However, you are mistaken. This is a baby girl. Prissy has a heart that is made out of sugar. Bless her little heart, but she has never had a day in her life that anybody has ever been mean to her. Oh sure, she has had a handful of spankings in the nine years of her life, but she has lived quite a charmed life. Therefore, she thinks that EVERYBODY has come to see her and that they want to play with her.

Sorry, little Butterbean, but real life just ain't that way!

Anyway, we have a new set at the studio, and Prissy wanted to be the first to model it for you. It is 'all white' and it is known by photographers as a hi-key background. It is usually really hard to achieve, but it looks like little princess and I have it under control.

So, the next time that you come to White Flower Photography, please be sure to ask Ms. Susan about her new toy, er, uh........ the hi-key set. If you make a point of letting her know that you would like for her to bring it out in the beginning of the session while there is still time, she will be sure to get it all set up for you!


Butterbean said...

Prissy, you are such a princess.

uncle bert said...

Precious, you are so beautiful in that picture that your mommy made of you.