Sunday, February 3, 2008

Oh, Jacob, what can I say!

You have grown so much since I saw you last, and you gave us all the smiles we could have ever asked for. We also finally got a great shot with your sterling cup! Ms. Susan wanted to eat you up. You are just too adorable!


Lisa said...

Jacob, you are such a blessing to us. Love you lots. Mommy

Bernadine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bernadine said...

O Jacob, we couldn't have asked for a cuter nephew. You are such a darling! Love you lots, love aunty Bernie xxx

Kerry said...

Jacob you are the most gorgeous little boy! Wish you were closer to us!

Hilton said...

What a cute little boy Jacob!

Larry said...

You better grow up to be a great South African rugby player - you are a strong good looking little boy!

Unknown said...


Kayla said...

what a happy little boy!! :)

Unknown said...

haha haha, classic!great pic!!!

Lourie said...

such a cute boy

Lourie said...

Nice Pic.....

Unknown said...

Jacob, you are just too precious!

Unknown said...

very fly gear and background!

Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful!! He has such a lovely smile!! Very cute setting!!

Carmen said...

Very sweet, what a happy looking child.

keith and sue said...

too cute for words

Unknown said...

What a beautiful picture of the sweetest baby in the world!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, he is so adorable! Congrats!

Katrina said...

He is sooo darling!!!!

Lara Mattison said...

Too precious!!!

wayne said...

Great looking nephew you have Kerry!

Doug said...

Gorgeous little boy!

Nelisha said...

Absolutely precious

Tasmera said...

What can we say - too gorgeous!

Nikki said...

Hey Jacob, who stole your halo..... you gorgeous little angel!

Kez said...

Such a gorgeous child Lisa!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet baby! I can't wait to see how much he has grown!

Karin said...

Hi Jacob, you are a beautiful child, lovely photo. Your parents must be proud:)

Lori said...

Your grandparent's delight!

Lisa V said...

he is gorgeous

Lisa V said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ANGUS said...

Cute picture,looks like you have the potential to be a good rugby player,mabey play for the springboks one day.

Christy C said...

AWW!! Jacob, you look like a little angel! :)

Roxy said...

Stunning Pic!!! he looks gorgeous

Unknown said...

Wow little Jacob, what a contagious smile you have; Must bring warmth and happiness to all of whom are blessed with such a special sight.

Karen :) said...

WOW what a cuttie, love the picture :)

Karen :) said...

WOW, Love the pictures, they are so cute :)

Unknown said...

What a fantastic pic!

Leigh said...

What an absolute little honey!! He's gorgeous! Congrats to Mom & Dad!

cait said...

he's going to be a charmer.. watch out ladies !

tammy said...

Butter couldn't but hearts sure will, what a gorgeous pic.

Unknown said...

that smile is just gorgeous.. precious boy :0)

savy said...

Well done to the parents of Jacob. He is such a beautiful boy.

ashwyn said...

what a lovely photo.

Niki said...

Too cute!

stacy said...

Nice outfit! Your mom has good taste! :)

Unknown said...

too cute

Unknown said...

Watch out ladies.

Lounette Hall said...

Jacob, I've only seen you once, you stole my heart!! It is going to be a blessing to see you grow.You are one good looking guy. Do you always stay so clean? Aunt Nette

Harriet said...

Great Photo

JP said...

happy as allways!!!!

Jesse said...

A very handson young lad you got their , but I can see he really wants to go out and play in the mud puddles...

Tsana' said...

You are far too handsome for your own good love!!!

jamie said...

cute little man!

Unknown said...

Jacob, may your cup runneth over . . .

Unknown said...

You are such and adorable boy :-)

Andy said...

Jacob, your Mommy and I love you very much! Daddy

Sue said...

Oh, Jacob, You look like you have SOOO much to say in this beautiful photo.....and I'm sure you will soon!! Looking forward to seeing more - priceless.

Unknown said...

Jacob, you like a little angel! lotsa lv Claud

Viv said...

Enough to soften even the hardest heart...what a sweetie pie!!

Unknown said...


Mandy said...

So precious!!

Tanica Drew said...

What a handsome little boy, your parents must be very proud!

Unknown said...

Such a munchkin, too cute :)

Unknown said...

Such a happy little boy!

Jen said...

Oh baby, what a picture in white. Too cute for words.

Robbie said...

Bonniest boy in Georgia.

Unknown said...

You are perfect blend of your mommy and daddy what a joy you must be for them :-)

Unknown said...

Jacob looks like he'll be saying more than Andy pretty soon :)

Karen Jane :) said...

***********************************~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^JACOB YOU ARE A CUTIE PIE

Unknown said...

What a blessing you have, thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

Too cute, too cute, too cute!!!!!

sarah said...

Oh to be so adorable.

Joanne said...

Jacob, now that you are a one year old you'll have so much fun playing and learning every day. You're a handsome boy!