Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ro is so loved and adored

This is a little girl that has been so fortunate to have two parents that treasure and adore her. What a precious little angel. Ms. Susan hopes to have her come back so that she can watch her grow into a beautiful little lady.

Lillie Mae and Savannah Rose came to play with Rosebuddy!

Boy, did we have a blast! This was one of those sessions in which you never know what is going to happen next. We had a wonderful time, and I think that these little ladies will remember their time with the baby lamb for a very long time.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Lina brought her baby sister into the studio...

And what a wonderful time we had. She is just such an incredibly good baby. What a fantastic time we had playing and tickling Daddy! It will be such a joy to watch her grow in the upcoming months.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Little Miss Ava and Emery

are just 2 cute 2 be true!

They cracked us up as they were playing with each other and also whacking each other. This is a precious little family. These girls have some of the best parents in the world! I would also say that they are probably among the most exhausted.

Little Kailey Jae's first year went by so quickly!

You sweet little honey bunch girl. Look how much you have grown and changed over the past year. You are such a joy for everyone that you meet. Well, I take that back. I am not too sure that the cake that you attacked on your last session was so glad to have met you! You were wearing your cake for sure! First kid that had to be cleaned up in the kitchen sink!