Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Regan is a two-fisted birthday cake eater!

We had so much fun at her session, but it is really amazing how quickly she grew and became such a beautiful little lady. Regan, it is hard to believe what a big girl you are now. You are such an adorable little love angel. Ms. Susan has really enjoyed watching you grow and change.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Welcome into the world, little Emmeline!

Isn't she just adorable? She is a lucky little girl because she has a very loving big brother and an awesome family. Ms. Susan is so happy that she will get to watch little Emmeline grow and play this year. 'Practically perfect in every way,' as Mary Poppins would say!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Savannah was such a perfect model!

We had so much fun at Savannah's session. We danced, and we laughed. It went by so quickly. What was really amazing is that it looks like Savannah went for a walk in the woods where she saw a waterfall. And then we took a trip to Italy! Savannah was such a delight to have in the studio.

Ruby Bell is such a little love angel!

Ruby Bell, you grew into such a beautiful little lady, and it happened so quickly! We had so much fun playing together this year. What a treasure you are.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Little Miss Milena is quite the princess!

I don't know when I have ever seen a cuter little doll baby than this. She has such a precious family, and we had a whole lot of fun in her session. Milena, you are like Mary Poppins - practially perfect in every way!