Sunday, June 29, 2008

Have you ever seen a cuter baby?

Patrick is so incredibly CUTE! Look at that adorable little expression and the curl on top of his head! Our session was so much fun. Thank you for coming to play with Ms. Susan!

Emma Katherine - there is no one like you

And there never will be anybody like you either. You are so lucky to have such an awesome mom and family that truly loves you with all their heart. I am looking forward to watching you grown and change this year. You are a little love punkin'!

The cake was a flyin'!

And Mom, Ms. Susan, and Grandpa Larry were having laughing fits. Little Miss Lina - hard to believe how quickly the time has flown and how much fun we have had during your first year. You have been so wonderful!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hayley is a Yankee Doodle Dandy!

It has been such a delight to have Hayley's 'Nana' come to her sessions and to help as we play together. Over a year ago, Nana bought this adorable little '4th of July' dress for her. It was just perfect for her 'standing up' session. Hayley, you are such an adorable and precious BIG girl now!

Amelia was princess for a day!

What a fun way to celebrate your 4th birthday! With Amy's help, Amelia lived out all of her princess fantasies during her session. We had a WONDERFUL time.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ruby Bell brought her mother in to play!

You would have to look a long time to find a little girl that is loved more than this. Not only does she have an adoring mom and dad, but she also has a big brother and big sister that always want to play with her. Ruby Bell, you are the cutest!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cooper is SO BIG!

Look at her standing out on our bridge in the garden. How could there ever be a sweeter, more adorable child. Cooper, you are such a big girl now. No wonder Mom loves you so much!

Ellie has grown so much!

Ms. Susan couldn't believe how much hair she has and all the wonderful things that she can do now! What a sweet little doll baby you are!

Caden is his mom's heart throb!

Look at this little guy. Isn't he just totally adorable? And, he is only three months old and he has already had three haircuts! Now, that is a whole lot of hair. Caden, you are such a little butterbean!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Little Anna Leigh - you are such a happy girl!

What an awesome session we had. There are going to be so many wonderful images for Mommy to take a look at when she comes back. You were so sweet and such a love angel. If only you could stay like this forever!

Mitchell, you are the man!

You have grown and changed so much since that first time you came here as a newborn. I even 'knew' you before you were born! Ms. Susan LOVED having you here this week. Can't wait to watch you grow and change over the year to come!

Caitlyn is loved and adored

This precious little dress was made for her before she was born by a family member that she will never know. My heart melted when I heard that story and it only reminded me of what a unique and adored little love angel that she really is.

Paige - you are a bathing beauty!

Didn't we have a great time with this little butterbean. Your mom and I cracked up watching you play with us. It has been such a treat to watch you grow and change over the past year. You've come a long way since that first newborn session you had with big brother Seth!

Mallory is a precious doll baby!

She was such an adorable little punkin in her watermelon 'bubble'. It was hard not to want to eat her up. What an adorable little love button!

The Grindstaff family is so sweet!

And Mom did an awesome job of finding clothes for everyone. This was a really fun session with three incredibly precious children.

Mom told me that her children were going to be great and I have learned that that is not always true. Melanie, you were right. They were an incredible delight. What a treat to have all of you guys here!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Isabella - How did you grow and change so much?

Look at the adorable little princess that you have come in such a short time. It was only July when you were here for the first time, and now look how much you have grown! You are standing, walking, and such a lovely little lady now. It has been such a delight to have you here and to watch you grow and change this year.

Delaney brought her daddy in to play!

Isn't she just the cutest? This is definitely Daddy's little girl. We laughed and played throughout her entire session. What a fun family!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

OK, it is official!

White Flower Photography is hosting a BLOG Comment contest. What is that you say? Our blog got started the first week of January, and just to celebrate the event, we are going to give away lots of FREE prizes!

For starters, there will be several categories. There will be a prize for each kid who gets the most comments per month. ( Of course, any comment that is considered to be unkind, rude, obscene, etc. by the studio management will be disqualified and summarily removed. Also, if you happen to see something that you think is questionable, please send Susan an email at to let her know.)

Each month will have two prizes. There will be your choice of a $250 portrait bucks gift certificate or an 11 x 14 wall portrait as a first prize and second prize will be a $100 portrait bucks gift certificate.

Thc child that receives the most comments for all six months will receive a 16 x 20 wall portrait or a comparable value in portrait bucks should that be preferred.

Contact your friends, your neighbors, and everybody you know. Tell them about your child's adorable image on the blog and invite them to come and take a look and cast a comment.

The deadline for posting comments towards this even is July 31. We are making it that late to allow all of the children that have been photographed in late June to have enough time to get the comments. On July 31, the blog will go off line long enough for a count to be made and for prizes to be awarded. Of course, the winners will be announced.

This is going to be a WHOLE LOT OF FUN!

Amy and Rob are engaged!

Well, Amy is Ms. Susan's baby girl. When she was a baby, it never seemed possible that so much time would pass for this day to actually happen. She and Rob are perfect for each other. They are planning a wedding ceremony Memorial Day weekend of 2009. That time will get here before we know it!
When my girls were small, I was almost afraid of their marriages. Will there ever be anyone that we would think would be good enough for them? Will they become painfully disappointed by a marriage that doesn't make it?
Ed and I couldn't be happier about Rob. Amy just graduated from Mercer University's nursing program and is working on the ICU floor at Gwinnett Medical Center. Rob will graduate in August from Georgia State with a doctorate degree in physical therapy. (DPT) They have so many great years ahead. We celebrated the occasion with an impromptu engagement party at our house this past weekend. YIPPEE! We wish you every good and perfect blessing. You are worthy of only good things.
Below, you can see the banner that was hanging at our house to celebrate the great occasion. You probably recognize Ed, Susan, Scruffy, Prissy, Amy, and Rob. The other lady in the picture is Rob's mom who came from Wisconsin to help us celebrate.

Paige stole Ms. Susan's heart!

How could you not fall in love with such an adorable little princess? You are such a lucky little lady for so many reasons, not the least of which is a mommy and daddy that are obviously totally nuts over you. What a fun year we have ahead of us!

Look at the personality on this little guy!

Tobin, you are such a dude. You have grown and changed so much since you were here as an adorable little newborn baby. I know that I am SO going to love watching you grow and change over the upcoming year.

Kaden REALLY likes birthday cake

Isn't he just the cutest? And to see what he is doing to that cake. It was his first encounter with the 'sticky stuff', and I think he likes it! What an adorable little guy with a whole lot of energy. You were such a happy little guy this morning!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Robbie is such a little angel

His big brother, Austin, can't wait until they can play together, but until then, he is just waiting and loving the precious little guy that just came home for the first time only a few weeks ago. What a wonderful and very happy family Robbie has. It was such a treat to have them here!