Saturday, April 26, 2008

Here comes DA JUDGE!

Look at Colt. Court is in session! Can't wait for his mother to see the rest of his images. He is such a happy little guy!

Julian is a Farmer!

We had a whole lot of fun at Julian's one year session. Look at him! He is ready to plow some fields. This little guy is loaded with personality!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Hayley is such a princess!

We had so much fun in her session. Isn't she so adorable? What a little butter bean!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Double blessings!

Look at them. Aren't they just so precious? Emily (on the left) and Rebecca (on the right) are the newest Little Blessings that have come into our studio. It was so much fun to hold and cuddle them. They are double blessings, but they are equally doubly blessed: they each have a mom and dad that are so incredibly devoted to them.

Yes, Mom and Dad were sleep deprived when they came into the studio, but they were also clearly very much in love with their daughters. Look at the tender shots that we were able to obtain. These little love buttons were so good and so patient with all of the crazy and fun things that we were trying to do with them.

If only every child could know this much love.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The look of innocence

Tyler is such an awesome little guy. He looks more like a lttle angel here, however. I am so glad to have him as a member in our Little Blessings Collection.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Look at James!

We had a lot of fun from his session. It was a beautiful Spring morning, and we took advantage of the playground nearby. James, you were a great model!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Thought you may want to see

Some of you may have heard me tell the story about how my daughter started taking violin at the age of four. She took Suzuki violin lessons and she also was trained at a Montessori school in her early years. I actually was her teacher when she was a second grader in Montessori. I have told you about many of the fun teaching techniques that were used to help her to learn. Many of the moms that have come to our studio have expressed appreciation at the little teaching tips that I have shared.

She went on to play violin professionally and she currently has a very successful career in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area where she performs with several of the local orchestras, runs a Suzuki violin school that she owns, and co-directs a summer trumpet camp with her husband who is a professional trumpeter.
Last Saturday night, she soloed as concertmaster in a Bernadette Peters performance in the Dallas area. The percussionist in the orchestra that night was Cubby O'Brien, an original mousketeer. Does he look familiar to you?

A little ballerina came crawling into our studio!

Look at her. She is such an adorable little Miss! Finally, we got the session we were longing for. What a wonderful day!

What a beautiful baby!

Taylor is just a little love button. Her session went so smoothly. Ms. Susan couldn't stop hugging her: she is just too cute!

Rachel had such a wonderful session

We had a great time. Couldn't believe it went by so quickly. Isn't she precious?

Savannah had a blast!

Look at her! We had so much fun. You are such a little butterbean.

Anniston brought her mother and her grandmother to play!

It was such a fun session. We were able to do so many fun things, and, as always, Ms. Anniston was a perfect little angel. I can't believe that she has grown up and changed so much in her first year......such a little pearl.

Erin, you grew up so quickly!

And look at you. We had quite a day with George the fish, didn't we? You made him work for his food that day! Already starting to look like a real little girl. We have had a wonderful year!

Look at little Sami!

She was the absolute PERFECT little model. So sweet, so beautiful. She truly is an absolute little miracle child. What a blessing in the lives of so many.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Ryan is such an angel

Look at her. Isn't she just an adorable little love button? I first met Ryan when she was only a few days old. She has grown so much, and she is the love and delight of her mom and dad. What a precious little love.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Cameron is such a princess!

Look at her. She is such a doll. Mom and I had lots of fun with her, but she definitely was on the move! Cameron, you are such a delight.

Waiting for Sami!

Mom has told me that she is SO READY for little Sami to get here. We had a fun session. Isn't she beautiful? But, Sami is slowing her down, and it is time for her to get here. Can't wait until she brings her back for her newborn session!