Monday, March 31, 2008

This is a sad week for us, especially Amy.

Amy is my daughter. She just graduated from nursing school at Mercer, and we are so happy for her and for her future, but this week is not as happy.
Her beloved horse, Oz, has an inoperable tumor, and he needs to be put down. She asked me to come to the farm where she boards him so that I could capture a series of images before she has to say goodbye. I made the trek to Athens on Sunday which you may remember was a cold, damp, and dreary day.

Our photo session included close ups that we will probably make into a panel at a time when Amy can look at these images without it being so hard.
Some of the happiest memories in her life include this beloved animal that she taught how to bow and numerous other tricks. He loves Amy so much. You can see how he nuzzles up to her. He has been known to unzip a pocket on her jacket just to get a carrot!
Oz has an unusual name. Amy rescued him from a slaughter sale in Arizona (AZ sounds sort of like Oz) almost ten years ago.
In a former life he had been a thoroughbred racehorse that was thought to be retired due to an illness which included a high fever. If Amy had not bought him at that time, he would have, most likely, been sold to a meat packing plant.
Ellie, another rescue that Amy found on the side of the road as a six-week old pup, looks on. She has practically grown up on this farm as well, and she felt very much at home in the pasture.
If you have ever had to lose an animal that had a part of your heart, you can understand her agony. The procedure will take place later this week. Hopefully, it will be uneventful. It is just never easy to say good-bye.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Look at Olivia!

I first met Olivia when she came in for her newborn session. A child like this gets really close to your heart. Look at how cute she is in her little sunbonnet. Olivia, you are such a chunky monkey!

Aine loves her mommy

Well, I guess that is an understatement. She didn't want mommy to leave, so we were able to get a couple of shots standing REALLY CLOSE to her. She has what we call the nine month stare. She is so ADORABLE, but she definately doesn't think that about Ms. Susan! Aine, you are a little love button!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

A little angel flew into the studio yesterday!

Look at her. She is such an adorable love angel. Many thanks to mom and dad, Kerry Ann and Jason who made our experience such a delight.

Avery is a delight!

Look at her. She has the face of an angel. Mom, Dad, and Ms. Susan had a great time at her session. Can't wait for you guys to come back in and see the rest of the images!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Look at little Miss Lina

Lina likes to bring her Granddaddy Larry with her to the sessions. We had a great time. What a lucky little girl to have so many people in her life that truly love her.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Look at little Miss Anna in her little tutu!

Isn't she the most adorable little butter bean? It was great to have her in for such a fun session. Whatcha looking at Anna? Could it be Mommy?

Hayley brought her grandmother in to play!

And we all had a ball. What an adorable little love buy you are in your Easter dress!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Look at little baby Autumn

Have you ever seen such an adorable love bundle before? I can tell you one thing about Autumn. She loves to eat! During a few rare moments in her session, she also went to sleep. Mom and dad are two very awesome people, and it has really been fun to meet the members of this beautiful family. Welcome to the world, Autumn!

Little Lauren is such a princess

She was so cute and so much fun. It was really cold outside, but we were having a blast inside. I can't believe how much fun we were having!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Kael - You are such a little angel

Look at this little guy. Isn't he so adorable and precious? It was a nasty, rainy day outside, but inside, we were having a whole lot of fun!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Preston is such a chunky monkey!

And, can you believe it? He was only 14 days old when he came to meet Ms. Susan. We had an awesome session. Both Grandmothers were there. He is going to treasure these images of him with his family for the rest of his life!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Look at Cooper!

Isn't she absolutely the most adorable? She was also a SUPER model. This kid was all smiles and squeals of joy this morning.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Marissa is a graduate now!

Well, it took us longer than we wanted, but George, the goldfish helped Marissa with stranger anxiety. She loved 'Ms. Susan' for her first three visits, and then, all of a sudden, our studio was scary too her. (Did we look like the babysitter?)

Thanks to George the fish and a persistent and very patient mom and dad, little Miss 'Rissy-Roo' had an awesome fourth portrait session. And it was SO MUCH FUN! Thanks for a great year, and we look forward to being your photographer for life!

Sydney is a beautiful baby

What a little sweetheart she is as well.
It was so much fun to have you and your mommy and daddy here. Can't wait to watch you grow over the next year!