Friday, February 22, 2008

We love corporate headshot assignments!

Working with Jennifer was a delight. We laughed alot, but even more than that, we got some awesome images. Can't wait until you can come back and see them!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mitchell, you are finally here!

What a lucky little guy you are to have a family that loves and adores you so much. You are already such a tremendous blessing in the lives of so many.

Little Ivy, do you know how much you are loved?

Is this just the most precious picture of love? Stacey and Ivan are two parents that love and adore their baby girl. It is easy to see why! Such a little butter bean you are, Miss Ivy!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Jami and Mike - What an awesome couple!

Little Ellie has so much to look forward to. She has two parents that already adore her. They are also a whole lot of fun. Can't wait until you bring her back to see me!

Ms. Mallory is a little chunky bean!

CUTE, CUTE, CUTE! You are just so precious. What a happy and fun session we had. And, you brought your grandmother to join in the fun.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ashlyn and Cody make a terrific pair.

Ashlyn was a perfect little model. Here she is with Cody, her granddaddy's favorite fur kid. They did fantastic: much better than any of us could have dreamed or hoped for. Ms. Susan LOVES puppy dogs, so it was a treat to have Cody in the studio.

Julian is all boy!

What a fun session we had. He is a rough and tumble kind of little guy. The baby wagon was NOT big enough for Julian. We had to go outside and get the 'big boy' wagon. Julian, you rock!

Austin is such a joy!

Isn't he the cutest? I can tell you for a fact that his mommy and daddy love, treasure, and adore him.

Parker was such a cuddle monkey!

Parker - your mommy loves you with all of her heart, and boy, did it show! Ms. Susan is really going to enjoy watching you grow up. Thanks for coming to see me.

Laughing all the way.....

What a happy, silly, giggle boy you were at your session, Declan. You cracked all of us up, and it was such a fun session. Such a little love bundle.

Sail away, little Brooke

Little Miss Brooke Madison - you are such an angel. And, to Ms. Susan's surprise, you had skipped your sitting up session. You are about to walk! What a smart little girl you are. Thank you for coming to laugh and play with us.

Reed is finally here!

Look at him! Isn't he beautiful? What an awesome family this little man has. Reed was only ten days old when he came in to meet Ms. Susan.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Tobin has such a great mommy and daddy!

What a wonderful family. There is nothing cuter or sweeter than a precious newborn baby.
Today is Valentine's Day, and it was such a treat to see such a sweet little boy with a mommy and daddy that are obviously so much in love. You each have so many wonderful years ahead of you, and I wish you only good things.

Erica is such a beautiful mom!

She is bringing her beautiful little Chloe to me next week. Can't wait to see them. Erica, you are such a knock-out!

Isabella went fishing today!

Isn't she just the cutest! We had a wonderful session this morning. We had a great time.

Monday, February 11, 2008

So pretty in blue!

Little Erin, you have grown so much! Look at you standing up so big and so tall. You were an awesome little model.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Look at the adorable little Miss Ellie!

Isn't she just a precious little cuddle bean? We had lots of fun in her session.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Well, there she goes again!

Back to school, and this was an awesome evening! Susan met up with some other professional photography buddies to go back to school this weekend. That's right. While you were having a bash at a Super Bowl Party, Susan was noodling it up learning more about 'Bellies and Babies.' Susan is surrounded by some of the most creative in the industry. Ana Lombardi and Judith Ann Nelson are on the bottom and Jennifer Collins is on the top with 'Ms. Susan.' We had a good time but, most of all, we learned a TON!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Oh, Jacob, what can I say!

You have grown so much since I saw you last, and you gave us all the smiles we could have ever asked for. We also finally got a great shot with your sterling cup! Ms. Susan wanted to eat you up. You are just too adorable!

Luke, you are the Man!

And you have already stolen Mommy's heart. Well, from the looks of your grandmother who came to play with us yesterday, you have stolen her heart as well. What a fun session!

Miss Caitlyn - you are CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!

We had a boatload of fun yesterday in your session. Mom and Dad were jumping up and down, dancing, and singing. And you were just yourself! Perfect in every way.

CJ didn't love his entire session!

But it is probably fair to say that Mom and Dad did. They live in Statesboro, and they drove all this way to come see Ms. Susan. They had their ordering session yesterday, and we had a great time looking at all of their images. This one was a favorite.

Madison, you are a little heavenly angel

What a precious and beatiful baby you are, little Miss Madison! You were so perfect in every way. Please come back to play with me again!